
Lottery Schools/Programs

Online Application

Welcome to Williwaw Elementary School's lottery application. On this page you will find instructions to get you started.

Before beginning the application, we ask that you read the program Requirements & Policies.

Williwaw Elementary School is a learning community, which values diversity, family involvement, and social emotional growth. By providing a safe learning environment, having the highest expectations for all students, and maintaining cohesive teaching practices, we will promote life-long, independent learners who are responsible, respectful world citizens that use Habits of Mind and critical thinking skills to solve real world problems. Our Title I status allows us to go the extra mile in providing support for student success! 

Title I is additional federal funds to support schools that have a high percentage of students who qualify for free and reduced price lunch. These funds can be used to reduce class size, increase school counselors, provide additional teaching assistants, provide before or after school tutoring, provide professional development, support teachers with instructional coaching and strengthen family engagement.

At Williwaw, we choose to work together to better prepare our students. We value connections with our students, staff, and families. We are willing to make changes to better our teaching practices. We find challenge in change, but we keep our focus on the end goal. We utilize Collaborative Team Meetings (CTM’s) PLCs, and/or grade level meetings to help us accomplish this.

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The Anchorage School District would like to assure all applicants that the information gathered on this application is kept confidential.



  • You can save what you have already entered and return at a later time to complete the application by clicking the "Save and Logout" button.
  • If you need to go back to any step, use the navigation bar to the right, or the "« Back" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Your application will not be submitted until you click Send My Application, and receive an email confirmation of receipt.

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If you have already started an application, please login to your account to continue.

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