
Lottery Schools/Programs

Online Application

Welcome to Service High School Neighborhood's lottery application. On this page you will find instructions to get you started.

Before beginning the application, we ask that you read the program Requirements & Policies.

If you live outside the Service attendance area, and you are applying for Seminar or the Biomedical Career Academy - please do not apply for a separate zone exemption. Your program (Seminar or BCA) application will serve as your zone exemption application.  




Robert Service High School is a comprehensive four-year public school located on the hillside at the south end of Anchorage. We have 142 staff members serving approximately 1,800 students.   We continue to grow in diversity with our population; breakdown as follows: Caucasian 50.17%, African American 4.20%, Hispanic 11.39%, Asian 11.68%, Alaska Native/American Indian 9.01%, Multi-Ethnic 11.85% and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 1.70%.  The staff at Service all work in concert to prepare our students for “…success in life”; with the utimate goal of, “…all student’s graduating from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocational/career opportunities”. 


The mission of the Anchorage School District is,“To educate all students for success in life.” "The mission of Robert Service High School is to provide a superior education in a safe learning environment that will empower students to become responsible young adults who will succeed in a rapidly changing and complex society."  We work very hard at Service High School to help each student become "college and career ready" and to develop a post-graduation plan, regardless of what they choose to do after high school. This year Service will again focus on attendance and reading.  If students aren’t here, they can’t learn…and reading is an essential skill necessary to learn. To that end, the Language! curriculum will continue for all students below or far below proficient in reading; as well as the Response to Instruction assessments in reading three times per year.  The RTI assessment enables us to determine a student’s reading ability, which in turn allows us to get that student help if necessary. Additionally, we have instituted the Reading Apprenticeship training for all our teachers…RA gives teachers tools to enhance their ability to teach reading in their content area.  


Service High School’s rigorous curriculum includes a full menu of honors, Advanced Placement, and other higher level classes. We also continue reorganizing our school into smaller learning communities with career pathways as a focus.  Service High is comprised of several smaller learning communities within our school. Approximately 60 percent of our ninth graders enroll in the FreshmanAcademy where they receive transitional support and a full array of rigorous coursework from more than 16 faculty and staff members. Our Leadership Academy houses more than 150 students enrolled in Navy JROTC, while our Seminar School is home to 320 students. Service’s Bio-Medical Career Academy (part of the Project Lead the Way program), consisting of about 160 students, prepares interested students for post-graduate studies in the health or medical fields. 


Service High School has a legacy of success and high academic achievement in our community.  Parent support and involvement continues to be very strong, and that partnership is a significant factor in student success, safety, and satisfaction.  Service High School is a dynamic, evolving, educational institution.  The students and staff are involved citizens of our community, and the majority of our “citizens” love coming to school each day.


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The Anchorage School District would like to assure all applicants that the information gathered on this application is kept confidential.



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  • If you need to go back to any step, use the navigation bar to the right, or the "« Back" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Your application will not be submitted until you click Send My Application, and receive an email confirmation of receipt.

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