
Lottery Schools/Programs

Online Application

Welcome to Hanshew Middle School Neighborhood's lottery application. On this page you will find instructions to get you started.

Before beginning the application, we ask that you read the program Requirements & Policies.

Hanshew Middle School is situated in south Anchorage at the foot of the Chugach Mountains and is attended by 800 students in grades 7-8. Hanshew is home to a richly diverse population. The school community is focused on academic excellence. We are dedicated to providing a supportive environment where students will learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ethics necessary to become successful members of society.

Our school focuses on intentionally structuring a caring, positive learning environment with high expectations for academic achievement. We serve seventh and eighth grade students through an academically challenging curriculum. In addition to core areas of instruction we offer gifted, bilingual, multi-sensory instruction, special education math/reading supports and lunch tutorials. . Hanshew purposefully offers a rich selection of electives for student engagement. Band, Orchestra, Choir, Drama, Art, Foreign Languages, Law Studies, World Cultures, numerous STEM courses, Robotics, CTE (Applied Tech, Business Ed, Family Consumer Science), SBP, Ak. Driver, Newspaper, Yearbook, and beginning 2013-14, we’ve added a Bio-Medical selection to align with the Bio-Medical program at Service High. The Bio-Medical courses at Hanshew include: Design & Modeling, Robotics and Human Anatomy. Hanshew will become a full-fledged Bio-Medical PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Middle School the year 2014 to align with the PLTW Bio-Medical program at SHS.

We encourage students to become involved in sports programs, academic competitions, and community events. Hanshew and ASD use the RTI model and personalization to best ensure academic success for all students. Students and staff are aligned into smaller learning communities - or teams – that work within the larger school to promote positive communication, relationships and academic achievement. We are proud of the opportunities offered our community at Hanshew. Families are welcome and are encouraged to actively participate in their student’s education through the middle school years.

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The Anchorage School District would like to assure all applicants that the information gathered on this application is kept confidential.



  • You can save what you have already entered and return at a later time to complete the application by clicking the "Save and Logout" button.
  • If you need to go back to any step, use the navigation bar to the right, or the "« Back" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Your application will not be submitted until you click Send My Application, and receive an email confirmation of receipt.

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