
Lottery Schools/Programs

Online Application

Welcome to Chugiak High School, World Discovery Seminar Program's lottery application. On this page you will find instructions to get you started.

Before beginning the application, we ask that you read the program Requirements & Policies.

Our World Discovery Seminar Program’s main goal is to estab­lish a smaller learning community that cre­ates a sense of iden­tity, belonging, and teamwork within the World Discovery Seminar Program, while maintaining strong ties to the CHS families of de­partments and programs. The World Discovery Seminar Program is an alternative learning community within Chugiak High School, with a school-within-a-school des­ignation. At present, WDS consists of approximately 200 students and a team of 5 teachers and 1 counselor. The program employs the Paideia methodology, a Socratic ­based learning/teaching technique focused on in-depth understanding of classic historical and literary docu­ments. Discussion and written expression of ideas com­ing out of the seminar process are emphasized along with challenging projects and hands on activities.  Stu­dents work toward becoming multifaceted thinkers by examining and questioning real world events: past, pre­sent and future.

The goal of WDS is to assist young people to become avid, self-motivated learners. In the classroom, students will examine, define, draw conclusions, articulate, and debate about the significance of great historical, literary, mathematical, and scientific ideas. A student’s full range of credits for both English and social studies will be completed in this program.

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The Anchorage School District would like to assure all applicants that the information gathered on this application is kept confidential.



  • You can save what you have already entered and return at a later time to complete the application by clicking the "Save and Logout" button.
  • If you need to go back to any step, use the navigation bar to the right, or the "« Back" button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Your application will not be submitted until you click Send My Application, and receive an email confirmation of receipt.

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