
Lottery Schools/Programs

Online Application

Welcome to Bartlett High School Neighborhood's lottery application. On this page you will find instructions to get you started.

Before beginning the application, we ask that you read the program Requirements & Policies.

Bartlett High School is one of eight comprehensive high schools in Anchorage and has an enrollment of approximately 1,600 students in grades 9 through 12.  Bartlett is accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.  The school maintains a high quality academic and activity program.

Members of the faculty at Bartlett High School come from universities throughout the United States. Approximately 80% of the faculty holds Master Degrees, and many have completed study beyond the Masters level.

Bartlett High School serves a racially and ethnically diverse student population.  The breakdown is as follows: 31 percent are Caucasian, 11 percent African-American, 10 percent Alaska Native or American Indian, 25 percent Asian or Pacific Islander, 10 percent Hispanic and 13 percent Multi-ethnic.

The comprehensive curriculum includes college preparatory, business, technical, honors, and Advance Placement courses.  Students also have the option of attending the King Career Center for half-day vocational training in occupational areas.  Programs are also provided for remediation, Special Education, and Intensive Needs.

Advanced Placement courses are offered in English, United States History, Economics, American Government, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Calculus, and Spanish.  Honors courses in English, Integrated History, and U.S. History are available in grades 9, and 10, advanced course, such as Biology II and Chemistry II round out the program.  Foreign language classes are offered at levels I through IV in Spanish, French, German, and Mandarin Chinese.

Bartlett High School offers its students a large number of extracurricular activities, including a wide selection of varsity sports, Student Government, National Honor Society, debate, drama, yearbook, choir, band, cheerleading, JROTC, Robotics Club, Math club, Power House, Science Olympiad, Taekwondo, world language clubs, cultural clubs, and many other activities and organized groups.Approximately 20 percent of Bartlett’s 1,600 students are military dependents. 


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  • Your application will not be submitted until you click Send My Application, and receive an email confirmation of receipt.

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